by ITC | Nov 27, 2020 | News
Recognizing the extreme challenges of switching to remote teaching and learning in the middle of a pandemic, and economic and technological limitations made worse by the spate of typhoons that battered the country, the University of the Philippines has announced...
by ITC | Aug 17, 2020 | College of Communication, Art, and Design, News
Renaissance Art Gallery presents EPICENTER featuring recent abstract works from UP Cebu Professor, Dennis “SIO” Montera. Sio Montera beautifully expresses the sense of despair and distress one finds themselves in with the militant quarantine protocols...
by ITC | May 22, 2020 | Announcements, News
OVPAA Memorandum No. 2020-62: Reiteration of the Grading System in the Implementing Guidelines of the UP System Policy on the Second Semester 2019-2020 in Light of COVID-19 The University of the Philippines Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs has issued...
by ITC | May 20, 2020 | Announcements, News
Allow us to extend our gratitude for your support! RELATED: [UPDATE] CALL FOR DONATIONS: FabLab is in need of materials to produce PPEs In spite of this unprecedented situation COVID-19 has put the world in, we are grateful to our community who looks into the welfare...
by ITC | May 18, 2020 | Announcements, News
Concerns have been raised with regard to UP Cebu’s policy and preparation for our return to work. Please be informed that we are in the process of finalizing our guidelines. The administration is cognizant of the difficulties and constraints that our personnel,...