@ini_set( 'upload_max_size' , '64M' ); @ini_set( 'post_max_size', '64M'); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', '300' );


UP Cebu Communication students enter Sinulog Film Fest

UP Cebu Communication students enter Sinulog Film Fest

Two short films by UP Cebu Communication students, Alsa by Tunhay Productions and Ukit sa Dapit by Pandaya Productions, are official entries in the Sinulog Film Festival 2025. Produced as final outputs for COMM 105: Multimedia Production under Asst. Prof. Annie...

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UP Cebu celebrates ‘Pag-iwag sa Pasko’

UP Cebu celebrates ‘Pag-iwag sa Pasko’

The UP Cebu community gathered for an evening of light, hope, and unity at the “Pag-iwag sa Pasko” at the Oblation Square, last December 6. The event featured the ceremonial lighting of candles and the Christmas tree, collective aspirations for the coming year shared...

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UP Cebu alumnus Atty. Lora named IBP human rights awardee

UP Cebu alumnus Atty. Lora named IBP human rights awardee

The University of the Philippines Cebu proudly congratulates Atty. Kristian Jacob Lora, a graduate of BS Computer Science from the Class of 2013, for being honored as the first Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) Human Rights Awardee for Visayas. The recognition...

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UP CIDS, NEDA 7 host roundtable discussion on urban studies

UP CIDS, NEDA 7 host roundtable discussion on urban studies

The NEDA Regional Office 7 - Central Visayas and the Urban Studies Program (USP) of the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies are organizing a roundtable discussion on the study of Prof. Dr. Paul Hutchcroft from the Australian National University and Dr....

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UP Cebu joins campaign to end VAW

UP Cebu joins campaign to end VAW

The University of the Philippines Cebu actively participates in the nationwide observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) from November 25 to December 12, 2024. With the theme "VAW-Free Philippines: Bigyang Wakas, Ngayon na ang Oras!", this...

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UP Cebu Lantugi hailed champion in Union Cup debate comp

UP Cebu Lantugi hailed champion in Union Cup debate comp

The University of the Philippines Cebu Lantugi Debate Society pulled through in the recently concluded National Debate Championship - Hermosa in Zamboanga City on November 12-17, 2024 hosted by WMSU League of Debaters in partnership with Zamboanga City Government and...

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UP Admin, Workers’ Union forge new negotiation agreement

UP Admin, Workers’ Union forge new negotiation agreement

The University of the Philippines has taken a significant step toward enhancing workplace collaboration and fostering employee welfare with the formalization of the new Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) between the UP Administration and the All UP Workers Union...

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